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The PROPER build this time.

Forge version of the 1.0.4 "coldfix". Requires Forgified Fabric API. Official Release

  • Fix date crash ( #264 ... )
  • Remove underline text on sonic screen
  • Sonic works with all candles ( #250 )
  • Cant change interior during crash/flight
  • Exterior properly falls again ( #248 )
  • Summoning with sonic faces right direction ( #247 )
  • Coral growth texture/model fixed ( #182 )
  • Removed insta-travel via crashing
  • Custom menu off by default >:)

1.0.4 Official Release

  • Overhauled the sonic system.
  • Added a hud overlay to display which blocks are interactable with the Sonic.
  • There is only 1 sonic, and it's casing can be changed via the TARDIS console menu when the sonic is inserted called "sonic settings".
  • The sonic can now interact with more blocks!
  • The detector block now has a recipe.
  • The Zeiton cluster now drops zeiton shards.
  • The Zeiton block is now craftable via zeiton shards.
  • New default sonic by Kiseki.
  • Some new functionality for the sonic in different modes.
  • Fixed bug where people could skip the nether star/charged zeiton crystal.
  • The telepathic control has been debuffed to avoid server crashing.
  • Repair ticks have been correctly put to seconds and work properly now.
  • Growth will demat and remat on change of exterior, TARDIS will land if finished flight and the interior is empty.
  • Creation date issue has been resolved, added time as well.

1.0.3 Official Release

  • Fixed respirators not rendering for some strange reason.
  • Fixed the sonic not being able to scan for rifts or charge in any other mode but inactive.
  • Made the controls highlight blue when holding the scanning sonic.
  • Removed HUD messages for controls that have reactive levers or buttons (handbrake, antigravs, etc.)
  • Perhaps fixed the player being able to fall and teleport back to the interior door.
  • Datapack desktops will now have working consoles, properly this time.
  • Sounds for controls only play when the control actually runs.
  • Added new TARDIS properties command.
  • Modified commands to make more sense.
  • Changed repairing: 1234 from just ticks to seconds.
  • Fixed sound effects at the exterior when repairing with a sonic.
  • Stacking issues with the siege mode TARDIS has been resolved.
  • With performance mods, the interior changing screen will no longer appear on top of other elements.
  • Fixed using the sonic in TARDIS mode to actually face the correct direction.
  • Added fixed translations.

1.0.2 Official Release

  • Fixed block loot tables.
  • Made sonic linking more intuitive.
  • Made flight events happen faster.
  • Fixed bug where the budding zeiton block grew amethyst and not zeiton crystals.
  • Added faceless respirator.

1.0.1 Official Release

  • Fixed translation for the key not identifying with a TARDIS
  • Fixed key not being able to be used on the exterior during non-repair
  • Fixed the respirator not acting like an armor item, and not shift+left-clicking into the headslot

1.0.0 Official Release

  • Added Charged Zeiton Crystal.
  • Fixed bug with exclamation marks not appearing.
  • Added sonic port control for all consoles.
  • Added repairing via putting the sonic into the exterior keyhole (or nose or something).
  • Fixed particles with the exterior during crashed state.
  • Fixed crash state issues, indicates much better when you're in a toxic/unstable flight mode.
  • Added respirator for not choking during the toxic phase of crashing.
  • Added TARDIS plaque - displays the name of the TARDIS and the date of creation.
  • Added security screen - Leave Behind toggle and Hostile Alarms toggle, as well as also displaying identical information as the plaque.
  • Tweaked how the sonic works - can now open iron doors/trapdoors and has AU.
  • Sonic can be used on Zeiton Clusters for 200 AU.
  • The hammer is now dangerous.
  • Fixed that dastardly datapack bug.
  • Fixed alarms constantly playing at the exterior.
  • Power lever now has delay when the power is off.
  • Artron can be attained by giving the TARDIS Zeiton Clusters (or Charged Zeiton Crystals) directly into the console (gives 15 artron).
  • Fixed the rift scanner losing a part of its texture.
  • Removed the radio block (sorry).
  • Updated TARDIS names (give us suggestions!).


  • Removed cardinal components
  • Removed radio block
  • AIT works with Sinytra Connector.


  • Fixed rift scanner


  • Flight events!
  • Config has been updated to use OwOLib once more. Access by doing /owo-config ait
  • Fixed bugs with crashing
  • Added Zeiton (doesn't do anything)
  • Repairing the TARDIS with a sonic in overload mode + doors open
  • Fixed particles
  • Added new hartnell console variant: "Mint"
  • Added variant counter per exterior in the monitor screen
  • Added new names for TARDISes on generation
  • Added new detector block for power and vortex


  • Performance stuff


  • stuff
  • fixed the sodium rendering bug


  • performance optimization cuz for some reason DUZO ticked a bad thing
  • Update sonic so it can be used on anything to get the repair time


  • Fixed a typo
  • Lag fix


  • fixing tardis flight and crash data
  • sonic can see repair time left, shift right click on the exterior


  • Fixed tardis flight being bugged


  • loqor broke something, it's fixed now

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